> Benefits of Registration | > Registration |
> Forgotten Username/Password | > Minimum Requirements |
> Conditions of Use | > Privacy |
> W3C Compliance |   |
The Department is at the forefront of the practical implementation of internet-facing applications. The future business vision is to provide an increasing range of services and functions leveraging the internet as a vehicle to conduct business with all entities/ individuals with whom the Department deals with.
Depending on your access, registered users representing funded agencies will have access to an increasing number of internet based applications that will assist them to carry out their service delivery functions and day to day dealings with the department.
Registration also enables you to get, for example, up-to date information about the Department; participation in online discussions; and advance notice about forthcoming consultations and events.
An eBusiness New User Registration form is available from the Department's website. Click on the 'Register Now" button on the eBusiness login page to access this form.
Please note that all mandatory fields (displayed with an red star) must be completed before this form can be processed. Please make sure that you read the Department's 'Conditions of Use' and tick the 'Accept Conditions of Use' box. Note that acceptance of these 'Conditions of Use' are a pre-request for registration and therefore access to applications.
Web Browsers supported by this site
This eBusiness site supports the following Web browsers:
While other browsers may work with this site, their compatibility is not guaranteed.
The Department's eBusiness site requires your browser to accept cookies from this site.
All cookies from the Department's eBusiness site will remain active from the current browser session only. Once you terminate the current browser session, the cookies will be removed.
This site has been developed with JavaScript enabled. Without JavaScript enabled, the basic functions on this site will work; however, those funtions which rely on JavaScript will not work has intended.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this site is compliant to Level A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). However, some limits have been experienced in achieving full compliance due to constraints arising from some product versions used in the site. This is recognised and will be addressed in later versions of the product which will be deployed by the Department in due course.
An Online Help facility is available to assist you to complete your Request for Registration. Please follow the instructions outlined to complete this form.
For additional information relating to the Department's eBusiness Applications, you may wish to visit the Departments eBusiness website www.dhs.vic.gov.au
This form enables individuals and or representatives from funded Agencies of the Department and personnel within business areas of the Department to request access, online through the Department's website, to the eBusiness applications of the Department.
The Request Registration form requires you to completed in full the following:
Access Request Details -Please specify the Department's eBusiness application(s) you wish to access.
User Details -Please fill in your title (Dr / Mr/ Mrs/ Miss etc), name, address, telephone and e-mail.
Identity Details -Please fill in your date of birth, sex and personal question and answer.
Organisation Association Details -Please fill in your role, position within your organisation and organisational details.
Conditions of Use -You will be required to read and accept the 'Conditions of Use' before submitting your registration. Request for Registration forms cannot be processed unless you have read and accept the 'Conditions of Use'.
Note that logon to the Department's eBusiness application(s) also implies that you agreed and acknowledge the 'Conditions of Use'. Your application cannot be accepted if you do not agreed and acknowledge the 'Conditions of Use'.
Please note that all highlighted fields with a red star are mandatory fields and must be completed.
Your username is in the format of Preferred name. Surname, for example: John.Smith.
From the right-hand side of the homepage select and click on the 'eBusiness' button. The 'Conditions of Use screen' will be displayed. If you wish to register for access the Department's eBusiness applications, please select and click on the 'Register Now' button.
Before completing the registration form you will also be required to read and accept the 'Conditions of Use' if you have not done so by selecting Yes in the 'I have read and accept the Conditions of Use' box.
If you are already registered and have been allocated a username and password, please logon at this point. You will then be taken to your private DHS 'myPortal'. Under the title of Department of Human Services, find and click on the button 'Conditions of Use'.
The Department of Human Services endorses fair information handling practices. Any information provided, including identification of individuals, will be used only for the purpose intended and where the intention includes confidentiality, information will be retained as such unless otherwise required by law.
Please refer to the Department website on Privacy for further information http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/privacy/ or contact the Department by email: privacy@dhs.vic.gov.au
Email addresses provided via this site will only be used to respond to specific user queries and will not be added to any mailing lists, nor disclosed to any other party without the user's knowledge and consent and as intended, unless required by law.